Optase & Hycosan Packaging Updates 2023

Scope Unveils A New Look For

Eye Care Range

With the same trusted formulation, ingredients and product features but now with a new look pack design.

Dear Valued Customer,

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new pack design for both our HYCOSAN® & OPTASE® range of products. As a leader in dry eye, blepharitis and Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) management we strive to constantly enhance our on-pack education for both you and your patients, making it easier to understand which product is most suited to help manage and treat their dry eye symptoms. In a recent study with over 1,600 dry eye suffers we identified the key messages that will help guide selection and have updated both HYCOSAN® & OPTASE® packaging to reflect these.
There has been no change to the quality of the products, the ingredients, formulations or specifications of the product. The change is simply an outer packing design change.

Our HYCOSAN® range of dry eye drops, available exclusively in the UK, are preservative & phosphate free and contain high quality Sodium Hyaluronate, an ingredient used to replenish the tear film. Delivered through our patented COntinuous MOno Dose System (COMOD® System), a unique bottle design which allows for precise dosing and ensures the formula is preservative free.

OPTASE®, our expert recommended eye health product range, available in the UK and Ireland, helps to tackle the symptoms of Dry Eye, Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. The range includes a Moist Heat Mask, Cooling Mask, preservative free Comfort Dry Eye Spray and Comfort Drop.

OPTASE® also has products specially designed to cleanse and soothe your eye lids. The range includes our preservative free and biodegradable Tea Tree Oil BlephaWipes, TTO BlephaLid Gel and OPTASE® Protect an eyelid cleansing spray with antibacterial action.

The new pack designs for both HYCOSAN® & OPTASE® will roll out over the next few weeks and months and replace the legacy packs.

Thank you for choosing HYCOSAN® & OPTASE®. If you need any more information please contact us to find out more.

Further Information

Web: www.scopeeyecare.com
E-mail: info@scopeeyecare.com
Twitter: @ScopeEyecare
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/scope-opthalmics-limited/